Monday, May 28, 2012

My Current Obsession!Milk Tea Craze!

With my Sister ( Dental Surgeon ) This Milk tea taste like Perfume! But Im such an addict, I still finished this large drink.hahahahaha.

In fairness, I only drank one. My hubby drank the other one :-). Its QQ ( 4 toppings) which is ok, but not my favorite and Okinawa with Lychee jelly. The one at far left is the Rock Salt drink with Cream cheese and cocoa powder. It tasted like chocolate mouse with a bit of salt.hahahaha.

I always add red bean because they add a certain flavor and sweetness. Yummy!
The lychee de coco is for the chewy factor! i like the Okinawa the best! The caramel is just right!

This is good but I like the CHA TIME version better.

Hokkaido is the brown sugar flavor. Good too!

For those that likes the plain tasting milk tea, Taiwan classic. But again, I like mine with Red Bean!

If you follow me on twitter or instagram, you know that Im a Milk Tea addict!!

I have never given  in to any fad or craze before (except for the GHOST hairstyle of Demi Moore back in College) until now!!

 I am a certified Milk tea addict! I drink Milk tea everyday and more than twice a day. Its my mid day snack or midnight snack or dessert! I have replaced coffee with this drink!

So far, I have tasted Cha time ( also in Hongkong) Share Tea, Zen Tea and Serenitea. One brand in Hongkong streets but its in Chinese so I cannot mention the brand. besides, it was Jasmine Milk tea and its taste like perfume to me.Bleh.

Anyways, if you havent tried it yet, you are in for a surprise. They are addictive! I find the mellow milk teas refreshing, especially now in the scorching heat! My personal favorite at Cha time is their Pearl Milk tea and Red bean Milk tea. I always add Nata or coconut jelly or coffee jelly.

Dont like their Taro, though I like Taro. It taste like cough medicine to me.LOL

For Share tea ( They deliver up to 10pm with low minimum of P300 so I order there more often)
I like the Red Bean matcha, Okinawa, Hokkaido. I tasted the Rock salt with Cocoa as well. Its ok, but I prefer the Milk teas. I dont particularly like the Taro with Fresh milk or even the one with Powdered Taro. Too bad, coz I love the Quickly Taro Milk Tea.

For Serenitea, I love love the Toasted Sesame!! Love the flavor! their Okinawa is really good too and Hokkaido. They call their toppings sinkers and their Pearls are much smaller than Cha Time and Share tea

Well, thats it ladies, just sharing my current obsession!

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